Adding components

Guide on how to add custom components.

Each component must extend the Component class.

Example 1

A simple component that directly prints content.

use RobiNN\UiKit\Components\Component;

class ExampleComponent extends Component {
    public function render(): string {
        return '...';

Example 2

Component with a template.

use RobiNN\UiKit\Components\Component;

class ExampleComponent extends Component {
    protected string $component = '@namespace/example_component';

    public function render(string $param): Component {
        $this->uikit->addPath(__DIR__.'/path/to/tpls', 'namespace');

        return $this->setTplData([
            'param' => $param,

Adding component to UI Kit

The first parameter is the component name used for the property name and auto-generated functions.

$uikit->addComponent('example_component', ExampleComponent::class);

Helper function (Optional)

if (!function_exists('example_component')) {
    function example_component() {
        return get_ui()->example_component();


After initialization, you can use it as all components.

echo $uikit->example_component();

In template

{{ example_component() }}

open() & close()

If the class has public open() and close() methods, these functions are also created.

echo $uikit->example_component_open();
echo $uikit->example_component_close();

In template

{{ example_component_open() }}
{{ example_component_close() }}

Available methods

By extending Component class, your code has access to the $this->uikit and these methods


Create a string from the given array of attributes.

    'disabled' => null,
    'value'    => 'test',

// disabled value="test"


Get the correct value from framework options.

// E.g. alert component
// 'alert' => [
//     'colors' => [
//         'default' => 'alert-primary',
//         'success' => 'alert-success',
//         ...
//     ],
// ],
$this->getOption('colors', 'success');

// alert-success

Thanks to protected string $component = 'components/alert'; method automatically chooses an option from alert's config. However, it is possible to explicitly set component name.

$this->getOption('colors', 'success', 'alert');


Set template data.

The component's options are automatically transferred to the template, but these data can be modified with this method if needed. As well as can add additional data, e.g. values from parameters.
