
Show select field.

select( string $name [, string $label = '', mixed $value = '', array $items = [], array $options = [] ] ) : string


$name string Required Select name.

$label string Optional Select label.

$value string|int Optional Select value.

$items array Optional Select options - array or associative array.

$options array Optional Additional options.

Available options

Name Type Default Description
id string '' Wrapper ID.
class string '' Class for wrapper.
attributes array [] Array of custom attributes.
select_id string $name Select ID.
select_class string '' Select class.
select_attributes array [] Array of custom attributes for select.
placeholder string '' Placeholder.
size string 'default' Select size. Possible value: default/sm/lg
state string '' Validation state. Possible value: success/error
feedback_text string '' Custom feedback text. Do validation in your code and then set state and feedback text.
required bool false Required.
disabled bool false Disabled.
help_text string '' Custom help text.
multiple bool false Multiple.

Basic Usage

echo select('example', 'Example select', '', [

HTML Output

<div class="mb-1">
    <label for="example" class="form-label">Example select</label>
    <select id="example" name="example" class="form-select" aria-label="Example select">
        <option value="0">item1</option>
        <option value="1">item2</option>
        <option value="2">item3</option>


echo select('select-small', 'Small', '', [
], [
    'size' => 'sm',

echo select('select-defult', 'Default', '', [

echo select('select-large', 'Large', '', [
], [
    'size' => 'lg',

HTML Output

<div class="mb-1">
    <label for="select-small" class="form-label">Small</label>
    <select id="select-small" name="select-small" class="form-select form-select-sm" aria-label="Small">
        <option value="0">item1</option>
        <option value="1">item2</option>
        <option value="2">item3</option>

<div class="mb-1">
    <label for="select-defult" class="form-label">Default</label>
    <select id="select-defult" name="select-defult" class="form-select" aria-label="Default">
        <option value="0">item1</option>
        <option value="1">item2</option>
        <option value="2">item3</option>

<div class="mb-1">
    <label for="select-large" class="form-label">Large</label>
    <select id="select-large" name="select-large" class="form-select form-select-lg" aria-label="Large">
        <option value="0">item1</option>
        <option value="1">item2</option>
        <option value="2">item3</option>


echo select('select-success', 'Success', '', [
], [
    'state' => 'success',

echo select('select-error', 'Error', '', [
], [
    'state' => 'error',

HTML Output

<div class="mb-1">
    <label for="select-success" class="form-label">Success</label>
    <select id="select-success" name="select-success" class="form-select is-valid" aria-label="Success">
        <option value="0">item1</option>
        <option value="1">item2</option>
        <option value="2">item3</option>

<div class="mb-1">
    <label for="select-error" class="form-label">Error</label>
    <select id="select-error" name="select-error" class="form-select is-invalid" aria-label="Error">
        <option value="0">item1</option>
        <option value="1">item2</option>
        <option value="2">item3</option>

Feedback & help text

echo select('select-error-feedback', 'Error select with text', '', [
], [
    'state'         => 'error',
    'feedback_text' => 'Please select item',

echo select('select-help', 'Select with help text', '', [
], [
    'help_text' => 'Something..',

echo select('select-feedback-help', 'Select with feedback and help text', '', [
], [
    'state'         => 'success',
    'feedback_text' => 'Please select item',
    'help_text'     => 'Something..',

HTML Output

Please select item
Please select item
<div class="mb-1">
    <label for="select-error-feedback" class="form-label">Error select with text</label>
    <select id="select-error-feedback" name="select-error-feedback" class="form-select is-valid" aria-label="Error select with text">
        <option value="0">item1</option>
        <option value="1">item2</option>
        <option value="2">item3</option>
    <div class="valid-feedback">Please select item</div>

<div class="mb-1">
    <label for="select-help" class="form-label">Select with help text</label>
    <select id="select-help" name="select-help" class="form-select" aria-label="Select with help text">
        <option value="0">item1</option>
        <option value="1">item2</option>
        <option value="2">item3</option>
    <div class="form-text">Something..</div>

<div class="mb-1">
    <label for="select-feedback-help" class="form-label">Select with feedback and help text</label>
    <select id="select-feedback-help" name="select-feedback-help" class="form-select is-valid" aria-label="Select with feedback and help text">
        <option value="0">item1</option>
        <option value="1">item2</option>
        <option value="2">item3</option>
    <div class="valid-feedback">Please select item</div>
    <div class="form-text">Something..</div>