
Show input field with a variety of addons.

input( string $name [, string $label = '', mixed $value = '', array $options = [] ] ) : string


$name string Required Input name.

$label string Optional Input label.

$value string|int Optional Input value.

$options array Optional Additional options.

Available options

Name Type Default Description
id string '' Wrapper ID.
class string '' Class for wrapper.
attributes array [] Array of custom attributes.
input_id string $name Input ID.
input_class string '' Input class.
input_attributes array [] Array of custom attributes for input.
placeholder string '' Placeholder.
type string 'text' Input type.
size string 'default' Input size. Possible value: default/sm/lg
state string '' Validation state. Possible value: success/error
feedback_text string '' Custom feedback text. Do validation in your code and then set state and feedback text.
required bool false Required.
disabled bool false Disabled.
readonly bool false Readonly.
help_text string '' Custom help text.
left_addon string '' Left addon.
right_addon string '' Right addon.
left_custom string '' Left custom addon.
right_custom string '' Right custom addon.

Basic Usage

echo input('example', 'Example input');

HTML Output

<div class="mb-1">
    <label for="example" class="form-label">Example input</label>
    <input value="" type="text" id="example" name="example" class="form-control" aria-label="Example input">


echo input('input-small', 'Small', '', [
    'size' => 'sm',

echo input('input-defult', 'Default');

echo input('input-large', 'Large', '', [
    'size' => 'lg',

HTML Output

<div class="mb-1">
    <label for="input-small" class="form-label">Small</label>
    <input value="" type="text" id="input-small" name="input-small" class="form-control form-control-sm" aria-label="Small">

<div class="mb-1">
    <label for="input-defult" class="form-label">Default</label>
    <input value="" type="text" id="input-defult" name="input-defult" class="form-control" aria-label="Default">

<div class="mb-1">
    <label for="input-large" class="form-label">Large</label>
    <input value="" type="text" id="input-large" name="input-large" class="form-control form-control-lg" aria-label="Large">


echo input('input-success', 'Success', '', [
    'state' => 'success',

echo input('input-error', 'Error', '', [
    'state' => 'error',

HTML Output

<div class="mb-1">
    <label for="input-success" class="form-label">Success</label>
    <input value="" type="text" id="input-success" name="input-success" class="form-control is-valid" aria-label="Success">

<div class="mb-1">
    <label for="input-error" class="form-label">Error</label>
    <input value="" type="text" id="input-error" name="input-error" class="form-control is-invalid" aria-label="Error">

Feedback & help text

echo input('input-error-feedback', 'Error input with text', '', [
    'state'         => 'error',
    'feedback_text' => 'Please enter text',

echo input('input-help', 'Input with help text', '', [
    'help_text' => 'Text must be 10-100 characters long',

echo input('input-feedback-help', 'Input with feedback and help text', '', [
    'state'         => 'success',
    'feedback_text' => 'Please enter text',
    'help_text'     => 'Text must be 10-100 characters long',

HTML Output

Please enter text
Text must be 10-100 characters long
Please enter text
Text must be 10-100 characters long
<div class="mb-1">
    <label for="input-error-feedback" class="form-label">Error input with text</label>
    <input value="" type="text" id="input-error-feedback" name="input-error-feedback" class="form-control is-invalid" aria-label="Error input with text">
    <div class="invalid-feedback">Please enter text</div>

<div class="mb-1">
    <label for="input-help" class="form-label">Input with help text</label>
    <input value="" type="text" id="input-help" name="input-help" class="form-control" aria-label="Input with help text">
    <div class="form-text">Text must be 10-100 characters long</div>

<div class="mb-1">
    <label for="input-feedback-help" class="form-label">Input with feedback and help text</label>
    <input value="" type="text" id="input-feedback-help" name="input-feedback-help" class="form-control is-valid" aria-label="Input with feedback and help text">
    <div class="valid-feedback">Please enter text</div>
    <div class="form-text">Text must be 10-100 characters long</div>


echo input('username', 'Username', '', [
    'left_addon' => '@',

echo input('search-input', '', '', [
    'placeholder'  => 'Search...',
    'right_custom' => button('Search'),

HTML Output

<div class="mb-1">
    <label for="username" class="form-label">Username</label>
    <div class="input-group">
        <span class="input-group-text">@</span>
        <input value="" type="text" id="username" name="username" class="form-control" aria-label="Username">

<div class="mb-1">
    <div class="input-group">
        <input value="" type="text" id="search-input" name="search-input" placeholder="Search..." class="form-control" aria-label="">
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary">Search</button>